
Monday 12 August 2024

AAR Pulp Alley - Vice Alley II, Late night flight



The Pointes across from Martin airfield

The first game of the new campaign, oddly enough not actually from the Vice Alley book. We went for one from Perilous Island; Last Flight. We simply substituted substituted the location and used cops instead of French troops. Otherwise it fits well with the Vice Alley theme, one faction trying to sneak a star witness out of the city while the other seeks to prevent this from happening.


Martin Airfield

The Penguins deployed in the northwest corner closest to the small package, while the Mounties came in from the southeast near the ticket agent. Both leagues moved quickly toward their respective plot points, while the major plot point, the pilot stood near his plane. In this scenario the entire board would become perilous to anyone who either brawled or shot anyone.(alerting the loitering cops) This also meant that the two leagues could freely move through each other. Only individuals who took combative action would become enemies.

Sgt Wright nears the tickets while Mac & Angus advance towards the airfield

Skipper seizes the package while Kowalski & Private stand guard

Once the package has been obtained & the mechanic revealed, Rico raced in to convince him to disable the plane!

The Mounties take to the roof with eyes on the target

While Mac goes after Elaine, the reluctant witness, Kowalski stands near the pilot unaware of the threat from the Mounties.

Down goes Kowalski...

...and down goes Private too!

Kowalski gets back up, but not poor Private

Mac fails to take the witness in hand (red Herring) and she quickly moves farther away from the airport.

But Sgt Wright has a chance to change her mind

But once again she eludes the Mounties (the other red herring) & flees even farther away from the airport.

Meanwhile a general brouhaha takes place around the pilot dropping Skipper but somehow Kowalski remains upright.

While Sgt Wright catches up with Elaine & tries & fails to convince Elaine to join him, the remaining members of his team do everything they can to stop Rico from interacting with the pilot but all their effort fail & Rico completes the last plot point & ends the game.

So, thus ends the first game of the new campaign. The Penguins took 2 minor plot points plus the major plot point. The Mounties were only able to capture 1 minor plot point. Between the two red herrings & the plot point failure, that second minor plot point just kept eluding them.

Coming soon the AAR for our second game, this time in the docklands.


  1. I hope Private will be OK. He is the cute one.
    Great looking game.

    1. Thanks for commenting. You are the only one, so far, that has gotten the Madagascar reference. I guess none of the other players are that refined.

    2. They are great films and it is no surprise that only the penguins got their own spin off shows. 😂

    3. PS. CP models do some penguins with guns if you are interested.

    4. Thanks for the heads up! I am ashamed to have missed him. Maybe this will be the first animal with a shoot stat.
