
Sunday 14 July 2024

Recent boardgame night


So, the other night we got together for another board game night. This time around we decided to try a new game (to us) Horrified as well as yet another game of Sentinels of the Multiverse. The game features many of the classic Paramount monsters from the 30's, 40's and 50's. 

Saturday 13 July 2024

A rare sight and preview of next game (WIP)


So, a completely cleared gaming table, almost never happens. However this is just a temporary thing as I have already started working on the next campaign layout. This time I am going a bit over board...

Sunday 9 June 2024

Some Pulp Alley plot point cards

So, I quickly made up 5 plot point cards for a recent Planet of the Apes/Pulp Alley game. The idea was to add some extra flavour to the plot points and to create some extra urgency when pursuing the various plot points. A few of them allowed certain leagues to treat certain plot points as major plot points. They were all placed as normal and were all treated as minor plot points. Then as, demonstrated by the card above, the plot point worked out to be a major plot point for one league. In theory a lot of major plot points could have been scored, but by the end of turn 6 only one 'major' plot point was achieved.

Sunday 5 May 2024

China Station campaign - China Station Inferno


So, we had a two player game, home brew Mystery League (a duo league) vs The Sons of the Empire league from one of the Pulp Alley books. The Empire league was played by a first time player. Well for a first time player he certainly picked up the rules pretty fast. He made great use of the cards dealt to him even though this was the first time playing with this league he picked up on the nuances of the league.

Friday 3 May 2024

Hamlet The village building game & Sentinels of the Multiverse


So, another board game night. This time we tried out Hamlet, prior to playing our usual Sentinels of the Multiverse game. I have a lot to say about Hamlet, but I am not certain that I want to waste that much time on this game, as I already wasted enough time playing the game. One thing I can say is that at least it was better than Darkest Night! 

Thursday 25 April 2024

Another boardgame night Small World & Sentinels of the Mulitiverse


So, we pulled out Small World, a game that neither of has played in quite a few years (decade+?) I cannot understand why this game has not seen much action. We also played a couple of games of Sentinels of the Multiverse.

Monday 22 April 2024

Fantastic Battles Dwarf vs Goblin April 21 2024


Rematch Goblins vs Dwarves

So, with the battlefield still set up, we thought we would have time to play FB and still get in a game of Pulp Ally. However we were delayed in starting the game and just did not have time or the energy for two games. 

This was another stab at a Dwarf army defending against a horde of fast moving Goblins. I acted as ref for the game as neither player was all that familiar with the rules. The armies were 1000 points each and each army had 5 captains, 3 wizards and a Warlord. The dwarven army was made up of my FB purpose based Roman Dwarves (with a couple of WH based hand-gunner units) while the Goblins, for the most part, were on my homemade movement trays.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Most recent board game night, Sentinels (again) and Space Hulk Death Angel card game


So, we tried out yet another new to us game, Death Angel. It is another cooperative game, we seem to play a lot of these, that pitted our group of eight space marines against hordes of Genestealers. Neither of us had played this before so we were playing with little knowledge of the game. 

Monday 15 April 2024

OMG Sunday library meeting


Another Venice adventure.

This time around we played a modified China Station scenario, no creeping fog but still some horrific Deep ones. Also made the plot points mobile just to keep the players on their toes. For one of the players they were their own worst enemy as they kept faling any random challenge that came their way. The other player, new to the game, ultimately decided to just stay out of the way and let his opponent self destruct. By the end of the game one league was down to one character, holding 1 plot point and his opponent had 3 minor plot points.

By the way, with this post I have now exceeded the post that I made all of last year, so an improvement.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Another board game night Sentinels of the Multi verse & Darkest Night


So another board game night, another disappointing evening, well maybe just not that great... We played Sentinels of the Multiverse and Darkest Night. The Sentinels game worked out to be another slow slag as the villain git some lucky card draws that stymied our attempts to defeat her. However we are nutters and kept playing even though it was going nowhere very slowly. Ultimately we called it a day after 3 out of the four heroes were knocked out of the game. 

For no good reason we selected Darkest Night (1st ed) for our second game. Never having played this before there was a learning curve involved not aided by the rule book. The rule book is a mess and much of the rules and the enemy counters are not really all that intuitive. The game is for 1 to 4 players. Regardless of the number of players you always use four characters. We each selected our two hero characters, selected our powers, placed our standees in the starting space (the monastery) and settled back for what worked out to be a painfully slow death. 

The game has simple mechanics and apparently lots of optional powers for your characters (I only got one power boost for one of my characters but I did have two decks that promised more powers) So I went through the game pretty much as I started. There is a lot of dice rolling in this game, a lot, rarely for good reasons, usually to avoid death. These dice rolls have a target number which all too often is 4 or 5 (many 5+) Often you will find yourself rolling only 1 die which all too often will result in a failure. Each turn you will encounter a random event (which is usually bad) Then you get one & only one action. With this action you can move one space, search, attack, rest etc. Then your turn ends. This worked out not to be all that satisfying. Each turn the evil necromancer tries to track you down to attack you. He also places random nasty encounters like vampires and spies. The pressure is on the players and we never felt that we had a chance to defeat the evil. 

In the end we failed. The necromancer placed four encounter tokens in the monastery and mercifully the game ground to an end. 

I had heard good things about this game, but in further review it seems it is a good game if you have the add-ons. Well it is not a good thing that the base game is so bad that the only way it is fun to play is by spending more money. 

Apparently there is a second edition that includes all the expansions and while it fixes a lot of problems I think I will give it a pass.

Friday 5 April 2024

Space cadets away mission boardgame


So, a couple of days ago we sat down to play our usual board game, Sentinels of the Multiverse but we also took out and played Space Cadets away missions!