
Sunday 14 November 2021

Update 8

Well, still no gaming, but I do see a light! I think that at very least I shall start doing some solo gaming, Pulp Alley, Walking Dead, basically some skirmish gaming. I am also hoping that I may get a chance to play some board games soon, this would be good.

I have been painting a lot of Dystopian Wars stuff, a random mix of nations, basically whatever come to hand. Right now I have 20+ models in various stages of  completion, that I really really just have to get done if for no other reason that they are cluttering up my work area. 

I have also been building, cleaning and priming my entire DW collection. It is a tedious task, and one that I dislike doing, but my breaking it down into small sections I am eating away at the baglog. It also has given me a chance to start an inventory of what I own. As I finish off each nation I will be posting the inventory/army list over on my VSF blog.

As well as painting all the DW items I have also decided to branch out to other stuff. These items are for my 28mm VSF collection. The little guys are a challenge as I am trying to mimic the style that I used a few years ago for the same type of figures. The big guys are going to be used for Ruumet Breehrs, which are beasts of burden found on Mars (according to Space 1889) These figures came with high tech howdahs but I will be making more primitive howdahs as befits a more traditional 1889 style.

Sadly, I have also been shopping, and the recent spate of November sales has not dissuaded me from buying more stuff. I just finished putting a small order in with Ground Zero Games, at 20% off the listed price, then further reduced by another 20% VAT made it very worthwhile. (cost wise4, not accumulation of more stuff wise)

I have also managed to locate some old Dystopian Wars stock, some at Wayland games and some from a Scandinavian store. Over the years it has been a running gag that I have too much DW models, so why buy more. Well, because despite all the stuff that I own there were gaps, and weak spots. Of course the stuff from Wayland games does nothing to fill any gaps, but it brings me up to 6 Washington amphibious tanks! Okay, that is too many, but it will make for a big invasion game, some time. The other store appears to have stuff that actually will fill out a gap or two.

I am also looking at Foundry (for a too large order), and a couple of items from 4ground.  Oh yeah, there is also the long delayed orders to Warbases and Sarissa. My planned Warbases order has taken a hit courtesy of Sarissa having a 20% sale, I just cannot say no to 20%.

Also on my desk is an old GW Ork village scenery from the 1990's? Bought this the last time there was a Cangames convention. I always kind of liked it, no good reason, and when I saw it I had to get it. Now it is really just a primed model, pretty much just a two tone paint job with some very bright graa flock. So now, I am finally taking steps to pimp it out. So far I have used Vallejo surface primer to cover up some scuff up areas, and to lay down a better base for the paint to follow.

I think some contrast paints may fix this up, and I am guessing I will be painting over the grass, maybe scraping it off first.

Beyond that life just continues. From time to time I will build a new model, or pull out some RPG games to work on. Also trying to catch up on some reading, and of course some movies.

I guess the other big news is that this Tuesday I will finally have a replacement tooth implanted into my mouth. This too is a good thing.

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