
Saturday 13 July 2024

A rare sight and preview of next game (WIP)


So, a completely cleared gaming table, almost never happens. However this is just a temporary thing as I have already started working on the next campaign layout. This time I am going a bit over board...

I took advantage of the cleared table to lay down some 'concrete' wall paper over the entire table top. Our next big/mini campaign will be a city based Pulp Alley gangster epic, so having plenty of asphalt seems like a good idea to me..

This is a test set up for the next Pulp Alley campaign. So far I have set up 37 buildings. At this stage I am getting a feel for how it all should be laid out and also to see what work needs to be done to bring the various buildings up to snuff. Beyond the tower that has not even been primed yet there are other building that will need some touch ups. I will also have to get to work on the sidewalks, so far only the small warehouse in the centre of the photo has a sidewalk. I also have a few more water towers that I can build to add to the skyline.


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