
Sunday, 26 January 2025

More Fantastic Battles ruminations


So more ideas, not all of them are mine. 

While I have moved away from Warhammer I still have fond memories of some of the quirky rules and effects. So for your consideration here are some quirky ideas mixed in with some ideas that seem somewhat reasonable. 

For the most part they are untested, but we did try the artillery rules, they worked fine. Some like the oblique marching just seem reasonable as do the marching rules (I think maybe Nic talked about that)

Anyways here they are:

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

New units for Fantastic Battles done (at last)


So, two 2 company units of light Dwarf infantry are done. They were actually fun to paint but kept getting shunted aside for other tasks which is why it took so long to complete. In the end I just wanted them off the painting table so flocked them up today.

Again these are going to be fast moving skirmishers.with decent shooting skills. It should make them fairly flexible.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Some chaotic ruminations for Fantastic batlles

So, back in the old days when we played Warhammer 3rd ed, there were two tomes that could be used to create a Chaos army. It was silly fun as you rolled on chart after chart to create your army often rolling something that had no functionality. The best result I remember was the general of the army who was a lycanthrope who walked on four legs when human but would turn into a bipedal mammoth. He had so many other mutations that should he gain one more he would instantly turn into a chaos spawn and cease to be the leader, he was the most expensive figure in the army.

Anyways, it amused me to start work on a simple Fantastic Battles chart to allow a chaos player to create their own strange units. So here it is:

To say that it is a work in progress might be too generous but it ties in with some of my other ideas regarding the racial tropes and how to further define some armies.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Fantastic Battles Light, fast Dwarf archers (WIP)


Sprinting at you, some quick strike Dwarf archers!

So, I finally got around to building and basing some of the Oathmark light dwarves that I bought many months ago. Up first are these 12 guys who will be an auxiliary unit for my Roman Dwarves. I envision fielding them as two units of two companies, but I might also need to spread them out into four one company units.

I think they look the part and are bright enough that they should not go unnoticed on the battlefield. With only three figures a base they do look irregular, almost skirmish troops. Many of the poses are running or at very least they are in action poses. The bows were an add on that I had not planned for but the box included a mix of weapons and bows made sense.

They stat out as:

Irregular    Doughty    Shooting    Skirmish    Fast 

Just the way they look!


Friday, 3 January 2025

Fantastic Battles spell & relic cards

Here, despite the lack of demand to see them, are my cards for Fantastic Battles. They are in no order and are a mix of spells and relics. 

Disclaimer: I found these images through online searches and was unable to determine if they were copyrighted, hopefully not. At any rate I, perhaps foolishly, thought I would share these, no copyright infringement is intended & if I offend let me know and I shall remove them.

I have found them somewhat useful as all required information is included on the cards. I tried to make the cards visually interesting and the images matching the spell.If you are using character cards you could clip these to those cards to indicate who has what. 

For the spells you would want to record what level any given spell was selected at. I use plastic card sleeves for these cards, so dropping a damage marker into the sleeve is a quick way to record the spell level.  

Anyways, for what it is worth here they are!