
Monday 16 August 2021

Weekly update 5 basing, basing and more basing


So one week later and I have already deviated from the plan. I now find myself not just dealing with my semi painted figures, I have moved on to anything that is in my line of sight! I have searched and searched (and several times searched again) any and all boxes in search of any warhammer stuff. I believe I have now looked into every photocopy paper box that I own, and that is a lot [30+]. Then I sorted through the treasures that I found within dividing the contents by army, Now typically this has in the past become a futile process that ends with the figures placed back into storage. 


First up were my pseudo Imperial troops,

I have set them up in units of 20 except for the hand-gunners that are in units of 10. The figures are mostly based 2 to a base with a few single bases to facilitate casualty removal, and to allow them to be set up with 4 or 5 files. I have also analyzed what Empire cavalry I have bit they will need to be assembled. 

I have also started on my chaos host. I went with classic WH bases for the demons and beast-men. Not really certain how the beast-men will be deployed, but figured it was safe to base them in the original method.

During my searching I also found a box of unassembled GW Dwarves. I decided that I could not just but these back on the shelf, they needed to be assembled and the box disposed of...

I decided that these troops should be miners, and to that end I tried my hand at conversion. These figures came with an assortment of weapons, no pick axe though! So the crossbows became pick axes after a few snips. and some sanding. I think they will do the trick. I also located some Lord of the Rings dwarfs, that I drafted as command figures for the unit. The leader has a pick axe that came with the dwarf organ gun, while the other characters wield picks converted from two handed axes.   

Then I noticed some boxes of farm animals, in 1/72nd scale and 1/48 scale. Well, now they have been based and primed. No real plans for them, but if nothing else they will look neat on the battlefield. I may use them for some border raid gaming as prizes for the bold.

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