
Mission Statement

Welcome to my blog.

As the name implies I am a somewhat scattered gamer. I have been gaming since the 1970's (do the math on my age) and like many miniature gamers I have a mountain of unpainted lead, and plastic.  Add to that over a hundred board games, 3 1/2 tall bookcases of RPGs, and an inability to stay focused on any one topic. So add my age the other factors I have mention mix together with a dollop of work intruding on home life, and well you see where I get my blog title.

This blog is intended as a positive oasis in a sea of internet negativity. As such I do not anticipate doing any reviews of games per se. If I play the game and post something about it the chances are pretty good that I liked the game. Oh I may rant about some aspect of the game, a rule that I did not like, but then again, that is the title of this blog. There are many games I do not like, no need to mention them, what would be the point. Discussion is good, within the context that one should respect the opinion of other regardless of how wrong they are.

I have links to commercial sites. No pay has been received for this, nor free samples (though not opposed to that hint, hint). I am not an agent of any company, merely a consumer who likes what he has bought and would like to acknowledge companies that at least in my opinion have created some great products. I trust these companies do not object to my posting of their name and products.

Likewise I have links to other blogs. Again these are sites I have visited many times and enjoy reading what they have posted. I trust they do object to being linked to me.


  1. Are the Parron Station miniatures a recent acquisition??

  2. No I have had hem for years, started when sold by London War room, before Brigade picked them up. Now sadly OOP
