
Saturday 13 February 2021

Recent painting of GW 40K stuff, has, sadley, got me thinking about Epic...and that is a path to madness

 Well, hello old friend...So all my recent painting of 28mm GW 40K has had me researching the GW universe. Starting with the original Rogue Trader, through whatever edition of 40K that I have, to Space Marine(Epic). So naturally that means I had to pull out all the unbuilt miniatures I have for yet another inventory.

A quick glance through the still in blister collection, cross referenced with Ebay tells me that I could go on a pretty fancy trip (post pandemic) with the funds they could generate. The prices being asked on Ebay are insane! For instance I see Noble Knight Games offering a Leman Russ blister for $50.00 USD/$64.00 CAD I have 5 blisters.

However, I have no interest in such endeavors. Instead, I think it is time that I assembled all this stuff, and get painting and playing. However, first I need to paint up some classic Imperial Guard that have been neglected for too many years. 





  1. Awww..EPIC. Loved playing that with you. And, a fondness for using EPIC miniatures with Dirtside rules.

    1. I am planning to play at least one game of the original classic first edition rules, and a game of the original Adeptus Titanicus rules. Everything old...
