
Thursday 4 April 2024

Fantastic Battles April 04 2024

Deployment after mishap roles. Not much impact on either army, one Dwarf unit suffered -2 Resolve & one wolf rider unit rushed ahead 4BW.

Yet another classic match up Dwarf vs Goblin, was played today. This was a game originally planned for last November, but had to be postponed. Thankfully Craig was able to attend this game despite the resurgence of winter! 

We went with 1000 point armies with the Dwarves preordained to be the defenders so the Goblins were built as quick strike raiders. The dwarf army was mostly made up of my FB purposely based 'Roman' Dwarves, with the addition of two cannons and two handgun units. Both sides had 3 mages and 5 captains. No one used any magic items. The Dwarf army had a breakpoint of 9 while the more numerous Goblins had a 12.

Dwarf line, Elite unit (red) holding the center flanked by regular & irregular units with handgunners securing the flanks.

The Goblin right flank

Hidden spider riders (only their banner can be seen)

Goblin left flank Two Goblin light wolf riders are further left beyond the rough terrain.

The OOB.

First contact!

The light wolf riders destroy the hand gunners but are charged in the flank

Aided by a haste spell, the heavy cavalry slam into two regular Dwarf units

After exchanging shots, a general advance is declared & all Goblin units that can, charge!

The Dwarf artillery & a Goblin archer unit are both destroyed in melee.

The end result of the battle.

It was a near run thing for the Dwarves but they were able to hold out for the win. The Dwarf army had lost 8 units (with a break point of 9) while the Goblins reached their breakpoint of 12. It was the bless spell that ultimately saved the Dwarves as they were able to recover enough resolve to stay in the fight. Neither side was that good at rallying their troops consistently rolling low numbers.

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