
Wednesday 17 April 2024

Most recent board game night, Sentinels (again) and Space Hulk Death Angel card game


So, we tried out yet another new to us game, Death Angel. It is another cooperative game, we seem to play a lot of these, that pitted our group of eight space marines against hordes of Genestealers. Neither of us had played this before so we were playing with little knowledge of the game. 

It was not bad, certainly left a better taste in the mouth than Darkest Night. The rule book lacked some clarity and some situations arose that we could not find a ready answer for, but overall it was a fun enough diversion. All my space marines were eliminated before my fellow player lost any and despite this horrible debacle I still felt the game was entertaining (certainly challenging)

Our sentinels game was against a villain who had trounced us very recently, Citizen Dawn!

We fought her in the court of blood:

For our heroes we selected the following:


It was another tough fight, I controlled Mainstay and Sky Scraper who both suffered some serious damage from Citizen Dawn and her associates. By the end of the game Mainstay had around HP while Sky Scraper was down to 2-3 HP. It was a near run thing. The big challenge with Citizen Dawn is her mid game power of being immune to damage. This happens when she flips the first time. Up unto that point you can actually hurt her, but when she flipped we could not damage her and on top of that she kept healing herself. The environment was not a major factor but it did manage to delay flipping the villain back to her starting side that would give us a chance to win the game.

So another good gaming night.

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