So, I have actually played this game a few times, but I have not played it for at least a decade or more. In my early days of gaming, gaming in 20mm was the natural starting point, it was cheap and readily available. We started with Napoleonic and WWII games with any rules that we could find. At that time it meant Airfix rules, Introduction to Battle gaming and Discovering Wargames. The point of this is to say that while my collection of Napoleonic forces were excised from my collection, I have continued to collect 20mm WWII stuff since the 1970's.
Now some might think that I would have a fully realized and painted collection, but not so. I have, for the most part, been a casual gamer. Work and life has often got in the way of the hobby (but did not stop me from buying stuff) So right now that semi annual (or bi annual) urge to do some WWII gaming is returning. But even just looking at my collection is demoralizing, so much stuff to work on.
The collection is primarily for post D-Day Northwest Europe gaming. A few years ago I started to pick up some early war, 1940, French British and German forces. I then more recently (a year or two ago) picked up some early war Russian forces to try out the O Group rules, but then expanded that collection to allow me to do some Rapid Fire games. Again the main push was to tackle the Rapid Fire Northwest Europe scenario book. To that end I have tried to purchase what I need for each scenario. As a result I have amassed a lot of stuff, too much stuff really.
So I have decided to try and tackle my collection by painting what I need for a scenario. Once done I will move to another scenario and again paint just what I need for that scenario. By taking smaller bites out of the whole I can hopefully nibble away at the elephant in my room.
To that end I will soon start to paint enough stuff to play this scenario.
I will need to paint 50 infantry per side and maybe 20 vehicles, an achievable target.
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