
Tuesday 23 March 2021

My journey to the Back of Beyond has started...


Some new arrivals mark my decent into yet another genre/theater of war. It all started a few years back when I picked up a bag of figures at a bring and buy. It was a mix of Copplestone Bolshevik figures,  Russian sailors a machine gun or two and one artillery piece. These figures have been based and primed, but otherwise ignored on one of my miniature shelves. They sit beside some Pulp Figures Chinese troops that I picked up in anticipation of this madness gripping me.

Finally, a few weeks ago I ordered some more figures, this time from Caliver Press in the UK. While waiting for them to arrive I checked out a Canadian store, The Sentry Box, to see what they might have.  Well, they had a few items of interest, and at a phenomenal price. This week both orders arrived within a day of each other, 16 packages from western Canada, and 10 from the UK.

 I guess I am really in it now!

From zero cavalry to 60 in one day and me without bases to mount them. SO that order goes out tomorrow, then the mounting and the painting can hopefully begin. Naturally I am already looking at what to order next, I am thinking some more artillery and maybe some more 'interesting' infantry units.


  1. Cool! Would you use them with Triumph & Tragedy or with Chris Peers' rules?

    Which bases from where might you be ordering?

    1. For the most part bases from Sarissa. I plan to use the 25 x 50mm pill bases for the cavalry, while I will continue to use washers for the infantry. No set plans for rules to use, maybe Contemptible Little Armies, maybe Fire in the East or even Fist Full of Lead big battles.
